AQAR 2023-24
- 1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation
- 1.1.1_1. (A) Department Minutes of meeting
- 1.1.1_1. (B) Teachers Log Book
- 1.1.1_1. (C) Teaching Plan
- 1.1.1_1. (D) Timetable Class wise
- 1.1.1_2. Guest & Guidance, Remedial and bridging the gap sessions
- 1.1.2_1. University Academic Calendar, Conduct of Continuous Internal Evaluation
- 1.1.2_2. Academic Calendar
- 1.1.3_1. Details of participation of teachers in various bodies/activities provided as a response to the metric
- 1.1.3_2. Scanned copies of the letters issued by the affiliating University
- 1.2 Academic Flexibility
- 1.2.2_1. MoUs and BOS details of Certificate Course
- 1.2.2_2. Brochure and other document relating to Add on/Certificate programs
- 1.2.3_1. Assessment, Grade card, Sample certificate, Feedback analysis of Certificate courses
- 1.2.3_2. Details of the students enrolled in subjects related to certificate/add on programs
- 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
- 1.3.1_1. Syllabus covering Cross cutting issues
- 1.3.1_2. List and Description of courses addressing Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment, and Sustainability
- 1.3.2_1. Students list involved in project work, fieldwork
- 1.3.2_2. Programme/Curriculum/Syllabus of the courses
- 1.3.2_3. Minutes of the Boards of studies/Academic Council meetings with approval of these courses
- 1.3.2_4. MoUs with relevant organisations
- 1.3.3. Students undertaking project work/fieldwork/internships
- 1.4 Feedback System
- 2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile
- 2.2 Catering to Student Diversity
- 2.3 Teaching-Learning Process
- 2.3.1. Experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies
- 2.3.2_1. Department wise Software list
- 2.3.2_2. Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process
- 2.3.3_1. Number of students enrolled and full time teachers on roll
- 2.3.3_2. Circulars pertaining to assigning mentors to mentees
- 2.3.3_3. Mentor and mentee ratio
- 2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
- 2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms
- 2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
- 2.6.1_1. Display & Communication of PO and COs
- 2.6.1_2. PO and COs display on Website
- 2.6.1_3. Cos for all Programmes (exemplar from Glossary)
- 2.6.2_1. CO – PO attainment level
- 2.6.2_2. All courses PO and Cos
- 2.6.3_1. Total number of final year students who passed the university examination during the year
- 2.6.3_2. Annual Reports
- 3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research
- 3.2 Research Publication & Awards
- 3.3 Extension Activities
- 3.3.1_1. List of activities conducted in the neighborhood
- 3.3.1_2. Photographs of activities conducted in the neighborhood
- List of awards and recognitions received for Extension activities
- E-copy of the award letters
- Reports of the event organized
- Flyers/Photos of the event organized
- Report the event
- Students participating list in extension activities
- 3.4 Collaboration
- 3.4.1_1. E-copies of the related document
- 3.4.1_2. Details of activities conducted
- E-copies of the MoUs with institution/industry/corporate houses
- List of activities conducted under MoUs
- 3.4.2_1.3. Details of functional MoUs with institutions of national, international importance, other universities etc. during the year
- 4.1 Physical facilities
- 4.2 Library as a Learning Resource
- 4.3 IT Infrastructure
- 4.4 Maintenance of campus Infrastructure
- 5.1 Student Support
- 5.1.1_1. Self-attested Letter with list of sanctioned students scholarships
- 5.1.1_2. Sanction letter of Scholarship and Freeships
- 5.1.2. Policy of Scholarship
- 5.1.3. Capacity building and skills enhancement activities undertaken by the Institution
- 5.1.4. Students benefitted by Career Counseling and Competitive Examination sessions conducted by the Institution
- 5.1.5_1. Minutes of the meetings of student redressal committee, prevention of sexual harassment committee and Anti-Ragging committee
- 5.1.5_2. UGC/University Gazette copies
- 5.1.5_3. Details of student grievances including sexual harassment & ragging cases
- 5.2 Student Progression
- 5.2.1_1. Self-attested list of students placed
- 5.2.1_2. E-copies of student Placement letters
- 5.2.2_1. Supporting data for student/alumni
- 5.2.2_2. Transfer Certificate copies of Student’s progressing to Higher education
- 5.2.2_3. Details of student progression to higher education
- 5.2.3_1. E-copies of Students certificate qualifying in State/National/International level Examinations
- 5.2.3_2. Students list qualifying in State/National/International level Examinations
- 5.3 Student Participation and Activities
- 5.3.1_1. E-copies of award letters and certificates
- 5.3.1_2. Photo Gallery of Students achievement in sports/cultural activities
- 5.3.2_1. Students Council Core List
- 5.3.2_2. Display on Website-Students Council details
- 5.3.3_1. Report of the event
- 5.3.3_2. List of competitions conducted under Sports/Cultural events
- 5.4 Alumni Engagement
- 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership
- 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment
- 6.2.1_1. Strategic Plan and Deployment documents on the website
- 6.2.1_2. Policies
- 6.2.1_3. Minutes of Meeting
- 6.2.2_1. Human Resource & Recruitment Policy
- 6.2.2_2. Organogram of the Institution
- 6.2.2_3. Roles and Responsibilities of Institution Bodies/Faculty/Staff
- 6.2.3_1. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Document
- 6.2.3_2. Screen shots of user interfaces
- 6.2.3_3. Annual E-Governance Report (2022-23)
- 6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies
- 6.3.1_1. Effective Welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff
- 6.3.1_2. Policy Document on financial support to Faculties and Staff Secretary Report
- 6.3.2. List of teachers receiving financial support & other relevant documents
- 6.3.3_1. Reports of the Human Resource Development Centres (UGCASC or other relevant centres)
- 6.3.3_2. Reports of Academic Staff College or similar centres
- 6.3.3_3. Summary of FDP (2022-23)
- 6.3.4_1. IQAC report summary
- 6.3.4_2. Copy of the certificates of the program attended by teacher
- 6.3.5_1. Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff
- 6.3.5_2. Performance Appraisal System (Sample Form)
- 6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
- 6.4.1_1. Audited financial statement (2022-23)
- 6.4.1_2. Internal and External Auditor Appointment letters
- 6.4.2_1. Annual Statements of Accounts
- 6.4.2_2. E-copies of Grants received from Government bodies
- 6.4.3_1. Income and Expenditure statement of Institution
- 6.4.3_2. Report on the optimal utilization of resources
- 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System
- 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
- 7.1.1_1. Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan
- 7.1.1_2. Specific facilities provided for women
- 7.1.2_1. Geo tagged Photographs
- 7.1.2_2. Policy (Green & Plastic Free Campus)
- 7.1.3_1. Relevant documents like agreements/MoUs with Government and other approved agencies
- 7.1.3_2. Geo tagged photographs of the facilities
- 7.1.3_3. Policy (Waste Management)
- 7.1.4_1. Geotagged photographs/videos of the facilities
- 7.1.4_2. Policy (Water Conservation and Management)
- 7.1.5_1. Geo tagged photos/videos of the facilities
- 7.1.5_2. Various policy documents/decisions circulated for implementation
- 7.1.5_3. List of activities conducted
- 7.1.6_1. Reports on environment and energy audits submitted by the auditing agency
- 7.1.6_2. Certification by the auditing agency
- 7.1.6_3. Certificates of the awards received
- 7.1.6_4. List of beyond the campus environmental promotional activities conducted
- 7.1.7_1. Geo tagged photographs / videos of the facilities
- 7.1.7_2. Policy documents and information brochures on the support to be provided
- 7.1.7_3. Details of the Software procured for providing the assistance
- 7.1.7_4. List of book/materials available for persons with Divyangjan
- 7.1.8_1. Supporting documents on the information provided (as reflected in the administrative and academic activities of the Institution)
- 7.1.8_2. Reports of the activities
- 7.1.9_1. Details of activities that inculcate values, necessary to render students into responsible citizens
- 7.1.9_2. Reports of the activities
- 7.1.10_1. Code of ethics policy document
- 7.1.10_2. Details of the monitoring committee composition and minutes of the committee meeting, number of programmes organized, reports on the various programs etc., in support of the claims
- 7.1.10_3. Reports of Orientation programmes conducted
- 7.1.11_1. Annual report of the celebrations and commemorative events for the last (During the year)
- 7.1.11_2. Geo tagged photographs of the events
- 7.1.11_3. Reports of events conducted
- 7.2.1. Best Practices of the Institution
- 7.3.1. Institutional Distinctiveness